Every morning I meditate. I close my eyes and visit a lush and beautiful garden sanctuary. I’ve been doing this for over 20 years and over time, my garden has developed into a rich and vivid, subliminal landscape.
Filled with birds and flowers, animals of all kinds, it is a tranquil space but also a highly creative dimension. I access the garden by walking along a narrow, sandy beach then enter through a dense patch of forest.
Full of surprises, unexpected things can happen there so I wasn’t surprised on this particular morning when I suddenly found myself transported from my light-filled garden to a cool, dark cave beneath.
The darkness was overwhelming. I breathed in the cool mineral air. Could this be a bad omen? I stood still and listened. I could hear running water. In the darkness as my eyes adjusted to the light, I could see a stream running through the cave.
Stepping to the edge I reached down to touch the water but this was not water. Instead, a silky, yellow liquid was painted across my fingers and glistened in the low light of the cave. Gold - a river of liquid gold? So this was a good omen after all.
Not long after this, I was developing my beauty brand. I knew that gold had miraculous properties for the skin and so began researching its benefits. I discovered this precious metal had extraordinary properties, not only for the skin but also as a symbol of power and transformation.
Remembering the meditation and the vision of the gold river cave, I was inspired to make gold the hero of my beauty brand.
Meditation calms the mind and body but it's also a rich and potent creative space - a place where you can gain greater clarity about life. It takes practice just like anything else. The requirements are simple - imagination and an open heart.
You are more beautiful and powerful than you know.
~ Susie Sierra x