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Art and Beauty Blog

What can art teach us about life?

What can art teach us about life?

Susie Sierra
Art can offer us some invaluable lessons about expression, introspection, awareness and empathy. When we stop to gaze at a work of art, we step out of our world into someone else's. And in that moment, our busy lives are suspended. 
Enjoy a Winter Glow

Enjoy a Winter Glow

Susie Sierra
Managing a dry skin problem, especially in Winter can be a real challenge. It wasn’t until a trip to Paris in 2015 that I finally stumbled upon the solution to my own dry skin problem. 
5 Ways to Boost Beauty & Vitality

5 Ways to Boost Beauty & Vitality

Susie Sierra
Beauty begins on the inside and what we choose for our bodies and create with our minds can either bring us joy or leave us depleted. Here are 5 ways to embrace the ageing process with strength & vitality, from the inner beauty plane to outer beauty physicality.
6 Reasons to Choose High Quality Face Oils for Your Skin

6 Reasons to Choose High Quality Face Oils for Your Skin

Susie Sierra
Every decade brings its concerns about ageing. It doesn't matter if you're in your 30s, 40s, 50s or beyond. One of the main concerns across most ages is getting wrinkles! Here are 6 reasons why natural products are your best choice for your skin no matter your age.
Patterns in Nature

Patterns in Nature

Susie Sierra
Patterns in nature can be found everywhere - in the repetition of shapes, sounds, cycles and even in our thoughts as they repeat over & over the same ideas and messages from our subconscious minds.  Ripples across the water and patterns in the sand reveal the very nature of our existence wher...